From: (Wayne Cohoe) Newsgroups: Subject: pvtngp01.gif, 0/5 [ST:TNG Beverly McFadden, Perfect Vision] Date: 7 Jun 1994 14:23:06 GMT Organization: Alcatel Network Systems (Raleigh, NC) This pic from: Perfect Vision Graphics, 2.4 -> 28.8 modem (513)233-7993. Resale of this pic PROHIBITED! Distribute FREEly! New members welcome!!! Picture Description: Here are the promised greyscale "soft" portraits of the ST:TNG cast members. Here are the file names and the subjects: pvtngp01.gif Beverly McFadden Crusher pvtngp02.gif Patrick Stewart Picard pvtngp03.gif Brent Spiner Data pvtngp04.gif Michael Dorn Worf pvtngp05.gif Marina Sirtis Troi pvtngp06.gif Jonathan Frakes Riker pvtngp07.gif Levar Burton LaForge